Zotero: The Next-Generation Research Tool

Estimated reading time 2–3 minutes

Zotero: The Next-Generation Research Tool is a fabulous plug-in for Mozilla Firefox. It is a bibliography creator/reference manager. It doesn’t take long to download, and gives you a little icon on each page you visit. If you click on the icon, it stores a citation in Zotero. You can collect your links and add notes, and if you use sites with bibliographic information, like Amazon or library sites, it creates a bibliographic record for you. You can then export these in various formats.

I was able to install it, go through the tour and demo, and put together this list of things I have read in the last few months plus create a substantial reading list in a couple of hours with very little typing!

Bowker, G. C., Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences. New Ed edn (MIT Press, 2000).

Coulmas, Florian, Sociolinguistics: The Study of Speakers’ Choices. (Cambridge University Press, 2005).

Ferraro, Gary P., Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective. International Ed edn (Wadsworth Publishing Co Inc, 2007).

Field, Andy, and Graham J Hole, How to Design and Report Experiments. (Sage Publications Ltd, 2003).

Fox, Christopher John, Information and Misinformation: An Investigation of the Notions of Information, Misinformation, Informing and Misinforming. (Greenwood Press, 1983).

Gilchrist, Alan (ed) Taxonomies for Business: Access and Connectivity in a Wired World. (TFPL Publishing, 2000).

Gilchrist, Alan, and Barry Mahon, Information Architecture: Designing Information Environments for Purpose. (Facet Publishing, 2003).

Goddard, Cliff, Ethnopragmatics: Understanding Discourse in Cultural Context. (Walter de Gruyter & Co, 2006).

Haynes, David, Metadata for Information Management and Retrieval. (Facet Publishing, 2004).

Haywood, Trevor, Only Connect: Shaping Networks and Knowledge for the New Millennium. (K G Saur Verlag, 1999).

Holmes, Janet, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. 2 edn (Longman, 2001).

Jones, K.Sparck, and Martin Kay, Linguistics and Information Science. (Academic Press Inc.,U.S., 1974).

Keen, Andrew, The Cult of the Amateur: How Today’s Internet Is Killing Our Culture and Assaulting Our Economy. (Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2007).

Lambe, Patrick, Organizing Knowledge: Taxonomies, Knowledge and Organization Effectiveness. (Chandos Publishing (Oxford) Ltd, 2007).

Lincoln, Yvonna S., and Egon G. Guba, Naturalistic Inquiry. (Sage Publications, Inc, 1985).

Nielsen, Jakob, Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity. (Peachpit Press, 2000).

Pickard, Alison Jane, Research Methods in Information. (Facet Publishing, 2007).

Reiss, Eric L., Information Architecture Handbook: A Hands-on Approach to Structuring Successful Websites. (Addison Wesley, 2000).

Yin, Robert, Case Study Research: Design and Methods: 005. Third Edition edn (Sage Publications, Inc, 2003).

ISKO conference

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Estimated reading time 1–2 minutes

I am very much looking forward to the Tenth International ISKO Conference, which will be held in Montréal, Canada, on August 5-8, 2008. The theme of the conference is Culture and Identity in Knowledge Organisation and the keynote address will be delivered by Jonathan Furner, Associate Professor at UCLA: “Interrogating ‘identity’: A Philosophical Approach to an Enduring Issue in Knowledge Organization”. There is also a workshop session and the famous banquet (I’m glad I’m not doing the seating plan – how do you please everyone when you have to organise experts in organisation?)

I’ve already highlighted The Role of Causality and Conceptual Coherence in Assessments of Similarity by Louise Spiteri; Knowledge Organization in the Cross-cultural and Multicultural Society by Ágnes Hajdu Barát; and Deliberate Bias in Knowledge Organization? by Birger Hjørland, but there are about 60 papers being presented in all.

Folksonomic tags

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< 1 minute

A tag counting experiment – one to add to the growing collection of investigations of folksonomies. The authors claim that over 60% of folksonomic tags are “factual” and therefore ripe for harvesting as metadata. They make no claims as to the accuracy of the tags, although they refer to a previous study that showed that folksonomic tags were more accurate than auto-tagging software. They chose a very specific field – CSS style sheets – but the number crunching is an impressive effort – they claim to have have checked them all! Some typos though.